Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh No.......CAMEL TOE!!!!!

Beyonce, Beyonce, Beyonce....oh you know how much I love you. But why oh why won't you conceal that monkey? Lol Mediatakeout caught Queen Bey and her vag AGAIN at one of her performances. While I am starting to think they have a gross obsession with her nether regions it is quite hilarious.
Clean it up Bey!!!!

Week One of the Trayvon Martin Trial

So we have concluded week one of one of the most prolific trials this decade. We experienced a lot of interesting things that would be key to the trial such as Trayvon's actual hoodie and the skittles he was eating on the fateful night. The most climatic point however was the two day long testimony from Rachel Jeantry who was the last person to talk to Trayvon before he was murdered.
So far it seems as if justice will be served in this case, but I will keep you posted on critical events. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Welcome Baby Girl!!!!!

Yayyyyyy...she finally popped. Kanye West and Kim  Kardashian delivered a baby girl today in Beverly Hills, CA. Of course there are no photos of North West but we know she's fly and fab. The couple are expected to settle down in Beverly Hills.

Sorry Kim you didn't get press like Baby Blue but congrats anyway.......

Keep it bookmarked for photos and updates then FOLLOW ME ON EVERYTHING. @STILETTOMCQUEEN

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Serena Williams Dominates French Open

Well I guess we can say Serena Williams has made a come back. After injury and illness back in 2011 Serena fought hard to get back to the level she was. Well after winning the French Open this weekend we can officially say she's baaaaaaaaack.
Serena won two straight sets (6-4; 6-4) against Maria Sharapova and looked good while doing it. Serena won the same award in 2002.

Follow me on anything @stilettomcqueen


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