Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Black Fashion Week Boycott

Anybody who has any type of interest in fashion understands that discrimination towards blacks in the fashion industry, but isn't it about time to take action? Well expect a shake up in the fashion industry during September during Fashion Week. A lot of big BLACK names are planning to boycott any designer who fails to incorporate black models this year.

"It feels to me like the times need a real hard line drawn like in the 1960s, by saying if you don’t use black models, then we boycott," said Iman. "If you engage the social media, trust me, it will hurt them in their pockets. If you take it out there, they will feel the uproar."

Want to be involved????? Let's actively boycott the fashion industry. Let's hit the social networks and make this movement known. I will be keeping you updated with the designers to be boycotted. Its time for civil rights in fashion.


Sound off below!!!!

Rihanna KILLS the Beach Frolick

Come on rude girl....Rihanna knows she can kill a swimsuit photo and I'm pretty sure she has been working on the beach frolicking too. She is KILLING it on vacation in Barbados, I guess she needed a little break from.....well let's not go there lol.

For a little more of them and a lot more of me follow me everywhere @stilettomcqueen

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Team Tatted: A Quick Guide to Caring for Tattoos

You hear so much about skin care this hair care that....exfoliate, moisturize, slather, etc....

But for those of us who invest in precious ink? For me a tattoo is a part of my skin and it's important to protect them.

Refinery29 came out with a little guide on protecting our ink. Biggest tip moisturizing.....which can be fun depending on who is moisturizing those tats.

Check out the guide here and let me see those tats!!!! Tag me on instagram!!!!